// Staya Widget helper... var SWH = {}; SWH.TPL = function (tpl,dict) { if(typeof tpl == "undefined") return ''; return tpl.replace( /\{([\w-]+)\}/g, function(str,key){ return dict[key]||(typeof(dict[key])=='number'?0:''); } ); } SWH.copy = function(src) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(src)); } SWH.trim = function(str) { return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); } SWH.CP = function(dst,src,def) { var o = SWH.copy(src); for(var i in src) dst[i]=o[i]; return dst; } if(!Function.prototype.bind) Function.prototype.bind=function(scope) { var fn=this; if(arguments.length<2){ return function(){ return fn.apply(scope, arguments); }; }else{ var args=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1); return function(){ return fn.apply(scope, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0))); }; } }; SWH.JS_CLASS = function(superclass, overrides) { var subclass, F, supp, subp, i, s, d; // normalize params i=superclass instanceof Function; overrides=overrides || !i && superclass || {}; superclass=i && superclass || null; // find subclass constructor if(overrides.constructor!=Object.prototype.constructor) subclass=overrides.constructor, delete overrides.constructor; else if(superclass) subclass=function(){ arguments.callee.SWH_SUPER.apply(this,arguments); }; else subclass=function(){}; if(!superclass){ subclass.prototype=overrides; }else{ // prototyping F=function(){}; supp=F.prototype=superclass.prototype; subp=subclass.prototype=new F(); subp.constructor=subclass; subclass.SWH_SUPER=superclass; if(supp.constructor==Object.prototype.constructor) supp.constructor=superclass; for(i in overrides){ s=overrides[i], d=subp[i]; if(s instanceof Function && d instanceof Function) s.SWH_SUPER=d; subp[i]=s; } } return this.constructor==arguments.callee ? new subclass() : subclass; } function SWH_SUPER(scope,args) { var fn=args.callee.SWH_SUPER; if(arguments.length>2) args=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,2); return fn && fn.apply(scope,args); } SWH.E = function(el) { if (typeof el == 'string') { if (el.charAt(0) == '.') { return DOMQUERY.down(document.body, el); } else { return document.getElementById(el); } } else { return (el||null); } }; SWH.WidgetProto = SWH.JS_CLASS({ remoteWorkText: 'удаленно', init: function () { if (parseInt(StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness) == 3) { StayaWidgetParams.cornerWtop = 3; StayaWidgetParams.cornerWbottom = -4; } else if (parseInt(StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness) == 2) { StayaWidgetParams.cornerWtop = 3; StayaWidgetParams.cornerWbottom = -4; } else { StayaWidgetParams.cornerWtop = 1; StayaWidgetParams.cornerWbottom = -2; } if (StayaWidgetParams.cell_width=='auto' || (StayaWidgetParams.cell_width.indexOf && StayaWidgetParams.cell_width.indexOf('%') >= 0)) { StayaWidgetParams.cell_width2 = StayaWidgetParams.cell_width; } else { StayaWidgetParams.cell_width2 = StayaWidgetParams.cell_width - 2 * parseInt(StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness) + 'px'; StayaWidgetParams.cell_width = StayaWidgetParams.cell_width + 'px'; } if (StayaWidgetParams.cell_height=='auto' || (StayaWidgetParams.cell_height.indexOf && StayaWidgetParams.cell_height.indexOf('%') >= 0)) { StayaWidgetParams.cell_height2 = StayaWidgetParams.cell_height; } else { StayaWidgetParams.cell_height2 = StayaWidgetParams.cell_height - 2 * parseInt(StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness) + 'px'; StayaWidgetParams.cell_height = StayaWidgetParams.cell_height + 'px'; } if (StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness && parseInt(StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness) > 2) { StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness = '2px'; } if (StayaWidgetParams.border == 'false') { StayaWidgetParams.border = false; } if (!StayaWidgetParams.border) { StayaWidgetParams.borderthickness = 0; } if (StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget == true || StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget == 'true') { StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget = true; } else { StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget = false; if (StayaWidgetParams.cell_h_width) { StayaWidgetParams.cell_width = StayaWidgetParams.cell_h_width; if (StayaWidgetParams.cell_width.indexOf && StayaWidgetParams.cell_width != 'auto' && StayaWidgetParams.cell_width.indexOf('%') == -1) { StayaWidgetParams.cell_width = StayaWidgetParams.cell_width + 'px'; } } } StayaWidgetParams.cellDividerStyle = 'display:none'; if (StayaWidgetParams.cell_divider_color && StayaWidgetParams.cell_divider_thickness) { var borderStyle = StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget ? 'border-bottom' : 'border-right'; StayaWidgetParams.cellDividerStyle = 'box-sizing: border-box; ' + borderStyle + ': solid ' + StayaWidgetParams.cell_divider_thickness + ' ' + StayaWidgetParams.cell_divider_color; } /*StayaWidgetParams.hideJobButton = StayaWidgetParams.hideJobButton == true || StayaWidgetParams.hideJobButton == 'true';*/ StayaWidgetParams.jobButtonStyle = StayaWidgetParams.hideJobButton ? "display: none" : ""; var self = this; xdLocalStorage.init( { iframeUrl: StayaWidgetParams.iframeUrl, initCallback: function () { self.getLastProfAreas(); } } ); }, getLastProfAreas: function () { clearInterval(this.getDataWithoutProfAreasInt); var self = this; try { xdLocalStorage.getItem('last-selected-prof-areas', function (data) { self.lastProfAreas = data.value; xdLocalStorage.getItem('last-viewed-jobs', function (data) { self.lastViewedJobs = data.value; xdLocalStorage.getItem('jobs-with-feedback', function (data) { self.jobsWithFeedback = data.value; self.getData(); }) }); }); } catch (e) { this.getData(); } }, jsonpData: null, getDataWithoutProfAreas: function () { this.getData(); }, getData: function (lastProfAreas) { var siteUrl = StayaWidgetIncomeParams.path ? '//'+StayaWidgetIncomeParams.path : StayaWidgetIncomeParams.siteUrl; var api = siteUrl+"/dapi/widget?offset=0&limit=" + StayaWidgetParams.numvac + "&order_by=date_update&direction=desc&locale=" + StayaWidgetParams.locale + (StayaWidgetParams.placeid ? '&placeid=' + StayaWidgetParams.placeid : ''); { var metaText = ''; var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'); for (var i=0; i < metas.length; i++) { var name = metas[i].getAttribute("name"); if (!name) name = metas[i].getAttribute("property"); if (name == "keywords" || name == "description" || name == "og:title" || name == "og:description" ) { if (metaText != '') metaText += ' '; metaText += metas[i].getAttribute("content"); } } if (!!metaText) api += '&meta=' + encodeURIComponent(SWH.trim(metaText)); } api += '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(SWH.trim(document.title)); /*if (this.lastProfAreas) { var lastProfAreasArray = JSON.parse(this.lastProfAreas); api += '&lastprofareas=' + lastProfAreasArray.join(); api += '&prof_areas=' + lastProfAreasArray.slice(0, 3).join(); } if (this.lastViewedJobs) { api += '&lastviewedjobs=' + JSON.parse(this.lastViewedJobs).join(); } if (this.jobsWithFeedback) { api += '&jobswithfeedback=' + JSON.parse(this.jobsWithFeedback).join(); }*/ var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = api +'&r='+Math.random(); document.body.appendChild(script); }, prepareFieldsforListing: function(list) { for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) { var v = list[i]; if (!v.salary_from) { v.salary_undefined = true; } v.cityForListing = (v.city && v.city.name) ? v.city.name + (v.city.region ? ', ' + v.city.region : '') : StayaWidgetParams.remoteWorkText; } if (list.length) { list[list.length - 1].lastItem = true; } }, jsonp_callback: function(data) { this.stayaJsonpData = data; this.prepareFieldsforListing(data.list || []); SWH.listController = new SWH.ListController(); } }) var DOMQUERY={}; DOMQUERY.select = function(root, selector, one) { root = root || document; if (one) return root.querySelector(selector); var ar=[], col=root.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i=0, n=col.length; i\
\ \ {vacancy_user_name}\ \
\ {vacancy_topic}\
\ {cityForListing}\
\ {job_type}\
\ {incomeText}: {vacancy_salary_from} {vacancy_salary_currency_symbol} \
\ {vacancy_description_short}\
\ {jobResponseText}\
', vTpl: '\
\ \ {vacancy_user_name}\ \
\ {vacancy_topic}\
\ {incomeText}: {vacancy_salary_from} {vacancy_salary_currency_symbol} \
\ {cityForListing}\
\ {job_type}\
\ {vacancy_description_short}\
\ {jobResponseText}\
', pageTpl: '\ ', constructor: function () { var self = this; this.vacancies = SWH.Widget.stayaJsonpData.list; if (this.vacancies) { this.vacancies = this.vacancies.slice(0, StayaWidgetParams.numvac); } SWH.CP(this, StayaWidgetParams); this.refresh() SWH.E('.staya_job_container2').style.display = 'block'; this.initGA(); }, refresh: function () { var renderParams = SWH.copy(StayaWidgetParams); renderParams.vWidgetDisplay = StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget ? 'display: table' : 'display: none'; renderParams.hWidgetDisplay = !StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget ? 'display: table' : 'display: none'; renderParams.vWidgetDisplayGrid = StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget ? 'display: grid' : 'display: none'; renderParams.hWidgetDisplayGrid = !StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget ? 'display: grid' : 'display: none'; renderParams.cornerDisplay = StayaWidgetParams.border ? '' : 'b-staya-widget-hidden'; renderParams.vListHTML = this.getListHTML(this.vTpl); renderParams.hListHTML = this.getListHTML(this.hTpl); renderParams.widgetCSS = SWH.TPL(SWH.cssTpl, renderParams); if (StayaWidgetParams.container && document.getElementById(StayaWidgetParams.container)) { var containerEl = document.getElementById(StayaWidgetParams.container); if (!StayaWidgetParams.verticalWidget) { containerEl.className += ' b-staya-widget-hor'; } else { containerEl.className += ' b-staya-widget-vert'; } containerEl.innerHTML = SWH.TPL(this.pageTpl, renderParams); } else { var d = document.createElement("div"); d.innerHTML = SWH.TPL(this.pageTpl, renderParams); document.body.appendChild(d); } //this.startAnim(); }, getListHTML: function (tpl) { var h = []; for (var i=0; i < this.vacancies.length; i++) { var v= this.vacancies[i]; if (v.topic === 'disabled') continue var p = SWH.copy(StayaWidgetParams); p.vacancyTopicVId = 'stayaWidgetItemV' + i; p.vacancyTopicHId = 'stayaWidgetItemH' + i; p.cellDividerStyle = v.lastItem ? 'display: none' : p.cellDividerStyle; p.vacancy_id = v.id; if (v.user) { p.vacancy_user_name = v.user.name; } else { p.vacancy_user_name = "company NO DATA"; } p.vacancy_topic = v.topic; p.cityForListing = v.cityForListing; if (v.job_types != 'undefined' && v.job_types.length != 0) p.job_type = v.job_types[0].name; else p.job_type = ''; p.vacancy_salary_from = v.salary_from; p.vacancy_description_short = v.description_short; p.vacancy_salary_currency_symbol = v.salary_currency.symbol; p.vacancy_salary_from_display = v.salary_from ? 'display: block' : 'display: none'; p.vacancy_salary_undef_display = v.salary_from ? 'display: none' : 'display: block'; p.vacancyCornerDisplay = v.lastItem && p.border ? 'display: block' : 'display: none'; h.push(SWH.TPL(tpl, p)); } return h.join(''); }, initGA: function () { if (typeof(ga) == 'undefined') { (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function() { (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); } this.initGATracker(); ga('stayaWidgetTracker.send', 'event', 'Widget', 'Showed', 'Showed', 1); }, initGATracker: function (e) { ga('create', 'UA-61115176-3', 'auto', 'stayaWidgetTracker'); }, handleCreateVacancyClick: function (e) { if (typeof(ga) != 'undefined') { this.initGATracker(); ga('stayaWidgetTracker.send', 'event', 'Widget', StayaWidgetParams.gaCreateVacEventName, StayaWidgetParams.path, 1); } }, handleOpenVacancyClick: function (vacancy_id) { if (typeof(ga) != 'undefined') { this.initGATracker(); ga('stayaWidgetTracker.send', 'event', 'Widget', StayaWidgetParams.gaFeedbackEventName, StayaWidgetParams.gaFeedbackEventName, vacancy_id); } }, lowestOpacity: 35, animTimout: 100, animCircleCounter: 0, animCircleNumRepeats: 3, newCircleRepeatTimeout: 2000, startAnim: function () { this.animFrameInterval = setInterval(this.animFrame.bind(this), this.animTimout); }, animFrame: function () { for (var i=0; i < this.vacancies.length; i++) { if (this.animState[i].animOn) { var elV = document.getElementById('stayaWidgetItemV' + i); var elH = document.getElementById('stayaWidgetItemH' + i); if (elV && this.animState[i].animOn) { this.animState[i].o += this.animState[i].animStep; if (this.animState[i].o <= this.lowestOpacity) { this.animState[i].o = this.lowestOpacity; this.animState[i].animStep = -this.animState[i].animStep; } else if (this.animState[i].o >= 100) { this.animState[i].animOn = false; this.animState[i].o = 100; this.animState[i].animStep = -this.animState[i].animStep; } if (this.animState[i].o < 70) { if (i < this.vacancies.length - 1) { this.animState[i + 1].animOn=true; } else { this.animCircleCounter++; if (this.animCircleCounter < this.animCircleNumRepeats) { this.animState[0].animOn=true; } else { if (!this.startNewCircleTimeout) { this.startNewCircleTimeout = setTimeout(this.startNewCircle.bind(this), this.newCircleRepeatTimeout); } } } } elV.style.opacity = this.animState[i].o / 100; elH.style.opacity = this.animState[i].o / 100; } } } }, startNewCircle: function () { if (this.startNewCircleTimeout) delete this.startNewCircleTimeout; this.animCircleCounter = 0; this.animState[0].animOn = true; }, }); /** * Created by dagan on 07/04/2014. */ /* global console, XdUtils */ window.XdUtils = window.XdUtils || (function () { function extend(object, defaultObject) { var result = defaultObject || {}; var key; for (key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result[key] = object[key]; } } return result; } //public interface return { extend : extend }; })(); window.xdLocalStorage = window.xdLocalStorage || (function () { var MESSAGE_NAMESPACE = 'cross-domain-local-message'; var options = { iframeId: 'cross-domain-iframe', iframeUrl: undefined, initCallback: function () {} }; var requestId = -1; var iframe; var requests = {}; var wasInit = false; var iframeReady = true; function applyCallback(data) { if (requests[data.id]) { requests[data.id](data); delete requests[data.id]; } } function receiveMessage(event) { var data; try { data = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (err) { //not our message, can ignore } if (data && data.namespace === MESSAGE_NAMESPACE) { if (data.id === 'iframe-ready') { iframeReady = true; options.initCallback(); } else { applyCallback(data); } } } function buildMessage(action, key, value, callback) { requestId++; requests[requestId] = callback; var data = { namespace: MESSAGE_NAMESPACE, id: requestId, action: action, key: key, value: value }; iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), '*'); } function init(customOptions) { options = XdUtils.extend(customOptions, options); var temp = document.createElement('div'); if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onmessage', receiveMessage); } temp.innerHTML = ''; document.body.appendChild(temp); iframe = document.getElementById(options.iframeId); } function isApiReady() { if (!wasInit) { console.log('You must call xdLocalStorage.init() before using it.'); return false; } if (!iframeReady) { console.log('You must wait for iframe ready message before using the api.'); return false; } return true; } return { //callback is optional for cases you use the api before window load. init: function (customOptions) { if (!customOptions.iframeUrl) { throw 'You must specify iframeUrl'; } if (wasInit) { console.log('xdLocalStorage was already initialized!'); return; } wasInit = true; /*if (document.readyState === 'complete') { init(customOptions); } else { window.onload = function () { init(customOptions); }; }*/ init(customOptions); }, setItem: function (key, value, callback) { if (!isApiReady()) { return; } buildMessage('set', key, value, callback); }, getItem: function (key, callback) { if (!isApiReady()) { return; } buildMessage('get', key, null, callback); }, removeItem: function (key, callback) { if (!isApiReady()) { return; } buildMessage('remove', key, null, callback); }, key: function (index, callback) { if (!isApiReady()) { return; } buildMessage('key', index, null, callback); }, getSize: function(callback) { if(!isApiReady()) { return; } buildMessage('size', null, null, callback); }, clear: function (callback) { if (!isApiReady()) { return; } buildMessage('clear', null, null, callback); }, wasInit: function () { return wasInit; } }; })(); var StayaWidgetDefaultPath = 'jobs.staya.vc'; var StayaWidgetDefault_border_color = '#ccc'; var StayaWidgetIncomeParams = { siteUrl: '//' + StayaWidgetDefaultPath, }; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.placeid = '12121'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.path = 'jobs.techrocks.ru'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.container = 'staya_jobs_container'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.vertical_widget = 'false'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_width = '310'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_h_width = '325'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_height = '400'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.locale = 'RU'; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.background_color = ''; StayaWidgetIncomeParams.base_url = 'http://jobs.techrocks.ru'; var StayaWidgetParams = { base_url: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.base_url ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.base_url : '', numvac: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.numvac ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.numvac : 3, gaFeedbackEventName: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.gaFeedbackEventName ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.gaFeedbackEventName : 'Job clicked', gaCreateVacEventName: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.gaCreateVacEventName ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.gaCreateVacEventName : 'From widget create job clicked', path: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.path ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.path : StayaWidgetDefaultPath, container: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.container ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.container : null, placeid: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.placeid ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.placeid : null, siteUrl: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.siteUrl, verticalWidget: typeof(StayaWidgetIncomeParams.vertical_widget) != 'undefined' ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.vertical_widget : true, cell_width: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_width ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_width : 310, cell_h_width: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_h_width, cell_height: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_height ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_height : 400, locale: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.locale ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.locale : "RU", background_color: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.background_color ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.background_color : '#fff', text_head_color: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.text_head_color ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.text_head_color : '#3d5aa9', text_body_color: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.text_body_color ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.text_body_color : '#888', border: typeof(StayaWidgetIncomeParams.border)!='undefined' ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.border : true, borderthickness: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.borderthickness ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.borderthickness : '1px', border_color: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.border_color ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.border_color : StayaWidgetDefault_border_color, cell_divider_color: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_divider_color, cell_divider_thickness: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.cell_divider_thickness, remoteWorkText: 'удаленно', postJobText: 'Разместить вакансию', jobResponseText: 'Откликнуться на вакансию', incomeText: 'з/п', incomeIsNotDefText: 'з/п не указана', iframeUrl: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.iframeUrl ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.iframeUrl : 'https://' + StayaWidgetDefaultPath + '/localstorageiframe.php', hideJobButton: StayaWidgetIncomeParams.hide_job_button ? StayaWidgetIncomeParams.hide_job_button : false, }; SWH.Widget = new SWH.JS_CLASS(SWH.WidgetProto, { init: function () { this.getDataWithoutProfAreasInt = setTimeout(this.getDataWithoutProfAreas.bind(this), 1000); SWH_SUPER(this,arguments); } }) SWH.ListController = SWH.JS_CLASS(SWH.ListController, { hTpl: '\
\ \ {vacancy_user_name}\ \
\ {vacancy_topic}\
\ {cityForListing}\
\ {job_type}\
\ {incomeText}: {vacancy_salary_from} {vacancy_salary_currency_symbol} \
\ {vacancy_description_short}\
\ {jobResponseText}\
', vTpl: '\
\ \ {vacancy_user_name}\ \
\ {vacancy_topic}\
\ {cityForListing}\
\ {job_type}\
\ {incomeText}: {vacancy_salary_from} {vacancy_salary_currency_symbol} \
\ {vacancy_description_short}\
\ {jobResponseText}\
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position: relative;overflow:hidden;\ }\ .b-widget-h-divider {\ display: table-cell; height:100%; width: 1px; background-color: transparent;\ }\ .b-widget-v-tile__wrap {\ display: table-row;\ }\ .b-widget-v-divider {\ height: 1px; background-color: transparent;\ }\ .b-widget-tile__company__text {\ font-size: 1em;\ }\ .b-widget-tile__income__label-text {\ font-size: 0.85em; \ }\ .b-widget-tile__income__cur {\ font-size: 1em; \ }\ .b-vac-tile__resp-btn {\ width: 100%;\ text-transform: uppercase;\ font-size: 0.85em;\ border-radius:100px;\ }\ .b-vac-tile__resp-btn-wrap {\ padding: 0 20px;\ box-sizing: border-box;\ text-align: center;\ line-height: 2em;\ margin-bottom: 20px;\ }\ '; SWH.Widget.init();